Bett Bollhoefer creates unique yoga based wellness experiences.
Bett Bollhoefer
Hey, I am Bett!
I create yoga-based wellness experiences born out of my own practice. I’m taking you on my health journey to meld ancient wisdom with the modern science of health.
I was stuck in the pandemic with a stressful tech job. My aging flabby body was looking back at me in the mirror. I took a leap. I committed to practicing yoga everyday for 100 days. After 30 days the transformation was happening. I gathered calm, had better sleep, and increased my physical stamina. 100 days came and went, but I kept going. My friends said I looked stronger and more healthy. I didn’t want to go back to feeling less than my best.
I followed in my mother’s footsteps and went to yoga training. I studied with my mom’s favorite teacher, Kia Miller. I got my certification in Radiant Body Yoga. I love to bring you along my health journey by sharing how the practice we are doing improves our blood sugar, sleep, and stress response. When you leave my class you feel better. Empowered, calm, ready to take on new challenges.
I share the wisdom I’ve collected via yoga classes, blog entries, books, retreats and workshops. Sign up for my next yoga class.