Area of Influence

Focus on your Area of Influence

Focus on your Area of Influence

There is so much going on and so much to worry about.  An example of this is my health. I am doing the right things. I am using metrics to sleep better, eat better, exercise, reduce stress. 

But the outcomes aren’t under my control. There are external circumstances such as the genetics I was born with, environmental impacts, the stressful life that I often lived, and all the sugary fried junk food I’ve ingested which my body was built with. These items are outside my area of influence. 

What is in my influence is exercising, eating right, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and feeling grateful for what I do have. I can let go of the outcome. The immediate impact is that I feel sane.


Review of the Ooler Sleep System


What I Learned from “How Innovation Works”