How to Run an Online Meeting
Sometimes we’d rather be out here, but instead we are stuck on Zoom
Today I cover the extremely rudimentary basics of how to run an online meeting. If this is too boring for you then share in the comments on my post on either LinkedIn of FB what pro tips you have.
The tech is a maze of confusion…
Select an online meeting platform. Choose the one you can have the most control over. As the facilitator you want to be able to mute people and turn off their camera in case they are doing something distracting. I like Zoom, and so does everyone else. It makes it really easy.
Show the agenda at the beginning of the meeting to ensure everyone remembers what it looks like. Send it out to everyone so they have a digital copy to reference to. Display the agenda between sections of the meeting so members feel they know what is going on.
Everyone needs to stay on mute unless they are talking. Background noise actually causes headaches and “Zoom fatigue.”
Video tips for all speakers:
Always do a video check before the meeting to ensure everyone’s tech is functioning
Spend time creating a professional looking visual of yourself
Invest in a professional background. I don’t want to see your bed…
Get the lighting right
Look at the camera, not at yourself when you are speaking. Remember the days of the past when we would meet in a conference room. Looking away from the camera gives the audience the same feeling that you gave them when you looked at your slides instead of at the audience. Make eye contact.
Audio tips for all speakers:
Spend time getting your audio sounding clear
Go to a quiet room before a big meeting
Always do an audio check before the meeting to ensure everything is ok
Have a timer display the timing on their own screen. Have the speaker pin the timer’s video to the speaker’s screen so that the speaker can see the timing.
Use the tech to your advantage. There are lots of advanced features in online video conferencing. Get to know your system so you can become a pro.
There is light at the end of the Zoom tunnel.
I hope these tips are helpful - next post we get into more advanced tips for leading an online broadcast meeting.