Reflection on 3 Months of Daily Blogging

When I decided to start a daily blog on January 1st 2021, I was hoping to try something new and challenge myself. The Practice by Seth Godin inspired me to do something everyday to share with the world. My main interest was ending boring meetings, but along the way I discovered that I also wanted to share other parts of my life. I shared what I think about, bio-hacking, reading, sleep, fasting and the Bulletproof diet. I have started doing some video entries and have been enjoying that as well.

Three things I’ve learned:

1) I have more things to communicate about than I have time

I have a huge list of topics that I want to write/speak/talk about. They vary from the future of Work and the ethics of product management, to why I can’t eat onions and garlic anymore.

2) I needed to create a process to manage the daily blog

I realized early on that I needed an editor. I recruited Steve, my husband, to edit my written work. I then started writing all my blog entries on Sunday and scheduling them so I could focus on work during the week. This process really has helped me. During the week I add to my list of blog ideas, and if I have time write up my thoughts.

3) I can’t tell what my readers want to hear about from the blog analytics

The blog analytics are all over the place. I really have no information from the statistics on what my readers want to read about.

The Future of My Blog

I want to go into two different directions. I want to create a book from my facilitation techniques and I want to start blogging a few times a week and not everyday. I might also lean on video as it is actually easier for me to create. I want to blog and communicate whatever interests me at the moment. I know that this will never allow me to grow some huge audience, but it will make me happy.


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