Satchin Panda - Light Overview

Prioritize Sunshine

Satchin Panda’s book is incredible. I’ve been summarizing his book Circadian Code.

Light impacts our health. It is critical for us to understand the types of light that we are exposed to.

I list what you should do and wont do during each time of the day.


  1.  Allow your eyes to get light before getting out of bed. Open your shades. This will wake you up.

  2.  Get outside as soon as you can after getting out of bed. If you are by a window only 50% of the light comes in. This resets your body’s circadian clock.

  3. Don’t look at the sun (obviously)

During the day

  1. Get into the sun as much as possible. The sunshine will help you in so many ways. Gives you energy, improves mood, helps you sleep better at night.

  2. Don’t wear sunglasses unless its painfully bright

  3. Don’t look at the sun (obviously)


  1. Get outside and get some evening light within an hour of sunset. This sets your clock so that you won’t wake up early in the morning. Don’t look at the sun (obviously)

  2. Dim lights after sunset. Blue light (which is any normal light blub, tv, computer screen and mobile device) disrupts melatonin signaling and could therefore potentially impact sleep, thermoregulation, blood pressure, and glucose homeostasis.

  3. Use red lights instead of normal bulbs

  4. Use blue light blocking glasses if you need to look at a screen or are around normal lights.

Use these tips to manage your light exposure for your health.

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Healing Injury Through Yoga


Satchin Panda’s book Circadian Code Summary-12 hour feeding window