Self Reflection Workshop

Are you on track for your 2021 goals? Its now August 2021!! How will you feel about what you accomplished on December 31st?

Is it time for a quick check-in to see if a course correction is needed? A few weeks ago I was able to teach a self reflection workshop using a framework called Spiral Dynamics.

It is a 56 minute long session where you have time for yourself to pause and reflect. It goes from basics like health, to sleep, to relationships, to job, finances, to spiritual.

At the end of the workshop there is time to make an action plan for the top 3 items. You can get back on course for the last half and be ready for a big celebration at New Years Eve!!

We recorded the session and put it on Youtube. I personally discovered that I needed to restart my 60 minutes meditation practice which I have done for a full week now. I’ve had so many insights since I restarted.

If you take the workshop and come up with a plan, message me and let me know. It warms my heart :)


Why should we prioritize rest?


Sustainability Through Mindfulness, Music, and Self Expression