Why I got my ATG Certification

I've always been an active person, finding joy in movement. I grew up in a running family. Our family used running and swimming as our hobbies. But as time went on, I began to notice a grinding pain in my right knee that seemed to worsen with time. In my early twenties, I got into basketball, and one day, I got to the point where I couldn’t walk up the stairs at the museum with my brother. I took the elevator. I knew something was wrong.

At first, I tried to ignore the pain, hoping it would go away on its own. I went to the doctor and asked for knee surgery. He laughed at me and reminded me that I was 24 years old. He told me to do more squats. I did and that really helped, but the knee pain was always ready to emerge if I did anything extra hard on my legs.

In my late 30’s I decided to try running again and ran for a few weeks for a mile each time before joining in a private family and friends Christmas Day race called the Spectacular Spectacular, which is a 10k run in Key West, FL. The next day my knee swelled up to the size of a grapefruit and stayed like that for 6 weeks. I felt so depressed. I love walking everyday and I couldn’t even move around my home without lots of pain.

Then, I heard Ben Patrick talk on a podcast about how he rebuilt his knees even after surgery using his process called ATG (Athletics Truth Group). I was excited to try it.

ATG focuses on progressive joint loading and full range of motion to rebuild the muscles around the joints, specifically targeting the knees. The goal was not just to alleviate pain, but to strengthen the muscles and improve overall joint function. The pain that had once been a constant companion started to fade away, replaced by a newfound sense of strength and stability. With each exercise, I could feel my muscles getting stronger and my movements becoming more fluid.

After weeks of simple ATG exercises, I achieved what I once thought was impossible: I regained my mobility. No longer held back by knee pain, I was able to enjoy the activities I loved once again. Whether it was hiking through the woods or tearing up the dance floor, I felt alive and free.

After doing it for a few years I decided to become a certified ATG Coach myself to share this amazing system with my yoga students.

Slowly but surely, my students began to notice a difference too. I am so excited to interweave ATG exercises into each yoga class to help my students with their knees.


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