A Fast from “Try”

Yoda: No. Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.

On Sunday I realized that I have an addiction to “trying.” I became aware of my addiction to “try” when I listened to David Asprey’s new book Fast this Way. He was mentioning different kinds of fasts from protein to dopamine, then he suggested a fast from the word “try.”

I was intrigued and started paying attention to my own use of the word “try.” I spent some time considering my use of it. I realized that “try” indicates a struggle inside myself.

If I tell myself I will “try” to go to bed early it clearly indicates that I will be fighting an internal battle. By saying “try,” I am preparing myself for battle. If instead I decide to get ready for bed at 9pm so I can be in bed at 10pm, there is no battle. I will just “do.”

I will fast from the word “try” and live a more peaceful life. If I decide to stay up late, I will own it. If I go to bed early, I will own it. No more trying for me.

Have you considered your “trying?” Share your thoughts on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Engagement Series: Ownership of Segments


My Fountainhead