Alcohol’s Impact on Our Body

Alcohol’s Impact on Our Body

Andrew Huberman did a podcast on Alcohol’s impact on our body earlier this month. He lays out lots of details and facts and processes. Here is the (TLDR) Too Long Didn’t read summary.

These are the impacts of drinking a few times a week 1 or 2 drinks each time. He says even drinking once a week regularly can cause these impacts. The only safe way to drink is rarely (once a month?? he doesn’t quite specific) But it will still impact you negatively.

The most worrying to me were:

  1. It causes a baseline of anxiety that occurs all the time, not just when you drink.

  2. It thins our brain tissue

  3. It kills our gut microbiome leading to leaky gut

He goes over more issues but these were enough for me to decide its not worth drinking even once a week.

I sometimes have anxiety and I don’t like it, so adding a baseline of anxiety is not worth it.

I need my brain.

I am trying to heal from several food allergies so my gut health is critical.

Hope this helps you make wiser decisions!


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