Tips for Focusing

This is an overview of the tips for focusing from Andrew Huberman’s podcast the Huberman Lab. This is based on the Sept 5th episode.

This is just the tips without the processes and mechanisms. For those listen to the Feb 2021 episode.

  1. Sleep well… always.. Click here for sleep tips. For occasional bad nights of sleep do a yoga Nidra. My favorite Yoga Nidra is Ally Boothroyd's YoutTube channel

  2. Get morning sunshine with in a few minutes of waking up. Bright lights can be OK if you wake up way before the sun comes up. but still get sunshine.

  3. Take a cold shower to raise your dopamine levels. 2 minutes is enough.

  4. Meditate at least 12 minutes during the day. Avoid the 3 hours before bed. Learn about the study by Dr. Wendy Suzuki.

  5. Have some caffeine 2 hours after waking (not before as it interferes with your natural adenosine and this will make you sleepy in the afternoon)

  6. Take some Theanine with your coffee to mellow out the gitters.

  7. Listen to 40 Hz Gamma on headphones. Here is my favorite version.

  8. Turn off your phone and computer notifications.

  9. Work for 90 minutes at a time.

  10. Only try to do 3 focus sessions a day.

Hope you enjoy this.

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