Detecting and Fixing Burnout

What is burnout? I think its a feeling of hopelessness, helplessness, and exhaustion.

For me burnout happens almost at a regular pace. I get really excited about a project either at work or in my personal life and I throw myself into it. I then work towards it with all my energy.

What happens next is also a repeating pattern. Things don’t work out. I get disappointed, exhausted, and then burned out.

After this pattern repeating for years of my life I’ve decided that it must end. I’ve built a process for detecting and managing burnout.

Here is my process:

  1. I have a set of routines throughout the day and week to both detect and reset and refresh.

    1. Morning routine: meditation, physical movement, and pranayama. During my meditation I change my mindset from clinging to a specific outcome. instead I change my mindset to embrace curiosity, randomness, spontaneous outcomes. I allow for the world of possibilities outside of my narrow imagination.

    2. Evening reflections. I check in with myself on how I did during the day. I slow down and unwind with my journal to see if there were any events during the day I should focus on.

  2. Once a week or so I use my journal to do a more formal check in with various aspects of my life. I check in with things happening using a two part list: working and not working. I check in with various aspects of my life: work, physical, relationships, etc.

  3. Be willing to change. when I see an issue, I need to take action and sometimes the change is painful and will take a TON of work.

I am a work in progress! I struggle with this everyday which is why I’ve had to become so disciplined. I’ve learned these tools the hard way. I hope that these can help you. If you know someone who is struggling with burnout, please share this article. If you need some mediation tips and yoga tips, please check out the huge selection of videos on my youtube. Burnout is a real issue in our society. Lets all focus on feeling refreshed.


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