Fun Breakout Room Activities

Breakout rooms can be super fun!

Breakout rooms can be super fun!

We continue to talk about breakout rooms today. I’ve seen some really fun activities. I hope you share some of the ones you enjoy on Facebook and LinkedIN.

1) Specific question discussions. These are great for training when you want a small group to really understand content. There can be use cases to read and discuss, or how to implement the concepts in a project. The best way to run this is to have the questions in a “workbook” of some sort where the participants can reference them during the breakout.

2) Play a game or solve a puzzle together. This can be fun as a team building activity

3) Do social or personal sharing. This is a great ice breaker or way for a group to get to know each other more.

4) Put together a presentation. In order to really cement their learnings or view on a subject, a small group can put together a short presentation to share when they return to the main room.

I hope you enjoy these ideas. Please do share if you have more ideas.


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