Why am I So Enthusiastic?

This was taken of me dancing at my yoga studio’s member party a few years ago

This was taken of me dancing at my yoga studio’s member party a few years ago

I have always been told that I am very enthusiastic. I like that about myself. I get excited about things. I love my hobbies and what I am working on. If I don’t like it, I usually change them out for something I do feel enthusiastic about. I’ve done this with basketball, rollerblading, soccer, painting, improv, writing, podcasting, swing dancing and more. When I am into them I am really enthusiastic about them.

While reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, he gave a definition of enthusiasm. He defined it in the following way:

presence + purpose= enthusiasm

As I considered my life, this definition made sense to me. Let me explain how it shows up in my life.



When I do something, I have a purpose in mind. I do it with intention. I get really clear on on the WHY. I often journal about the why, talk to friends about the why, annoy my family with the why. It’s very clear to me why I am doing something.

Often, this is an issue because I’ve been told that I have a hard time “relaxing,” whatever that word means.



I think that I learned about presence in the Art of Loving by Eric Fromm. I profoundly resonated with the idea that when you are with another person you should be really focused on the interaction. Put away your phone, your racing mind, your worries about next year’s politics and be present. I also found that the idea of presence can carry into hobbies and work as well.

If I am doing a job and I wanted to do it at some point, I might as well be the darned best at it or why do it at all. I’ve often said, “Well, if I am showing up, I might as well make a wave.”

I bring this attitude to swing dancing, improv, Toastmasters, band, yoga, and exercise. If I am going to show up, why not show up with enthusiasm.

I hope this blog post makes you smile or at least explains something about us who are crazy high energy. When was the last time you went through each of your activities to re-examine the WHY? If you haven’t lately, I’d recommend doing it again.


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