My Bio Hacking Journey: Fixing my Teeth

I’ve been sharing my bulletproof diet experiences and my sleep hacking experiences. Next, it’s time to fix my teeth. Fixing my teeth is the next step in my journey to reduce inflammation in my body.


This week I got top and bottom jaw realignment devices installed.


The devices get changed out once a month for 15 months.


The goal is to open my jaw to allow the teeth more space to align with my front teeth touching tip to tip.

The question is why am I doing this? The answer is because my front teeth don’t meet. My top teeth have a slight overbite. My dentist has been telling me for a while that I should get them fixed. It impacts how I chew and bite off food. It actually does annoy me quite a bit, but also I have other jaw issues.

I’ve been grinding my teeth for about 10 years which causes jaw pain, tension headaches, disturbs my sleep, and due to the mouth guard makes my mouth stay open all night.

I first learned that jaw realignment is critical when I read James Nestor’s book Breath. Most orthodontists work on the aesthetics of the teeth, but in his book James talks about how having a wider upper jaw improves breathing. Since then I’ve been searching for an orthodontist who understands the impacts of the jaw on health, vs just beauty.

While googling for orthodontists, I found a Dave Asprey interview with a Dr Dwight Jennings. I then looked for similar kind of doctors called Cranio Facial specialists. I was so lucky because Dr Dwight Jennings’ office is 20 minutes from my home. During our appointment he mentioned that one of the main causes of psoriasis is jaw issues. I have both psoriasis and vitiligo which have been getting worse in the last few years. He has had other patients whose symptoms have improved after wearing the jaw realignment devices.

Watch his interview with David Asprey to learn more:

Stay tuned to see how my jaw realignment improves my inflammation in the next few months. If nothing else it will help me eat better!


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