How to get Attendees to Pay Attention
Attention must be paid and it costs dearly. How do we get meeting attendees to actually pay attention in a meeting? Let’s step back and think about what you like paying for. This post gives the three ways to get your attendees to pay attention in your next meeting
Accepting Reality vs Making Change
This post tackles the critical question that I personally struggle with each day: The tension between accepting reality vs making change. I know its a controversial topic and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Post your comments where you found this post on either LinkedIN or Facebook.
My Office Set up
Today I want to share with you my office setup. I have a special offer for you at the end of this post.
Principles for my design:
Healthy and energy
Meeting Self Reflection Questions: How Many is too Many?
Have you ever come to the end of a week and wondered why you didn’t get all the work done you wanted to? If so, it might be time to review your weekly calendar to check if you have too many meetings on it!
Go through next week’s calendar and ask yourself the following questions.
Online One on One Meetings
One on ones are always challenging, but they get more difficult when you are remote. One on one meetings are done with colleagues, managers, direct reports, partners, customers, skip level, etc. I will share a few best practices for how to make them more effective online.
Human Centered Online Working Sessions
This post continues my series on Human Centered Online Meetings. The Working Session online meeting can go very poorly if not done right. Working Sessions create a document such as a project plan or technical design. This post shares the best practices that I’ve discovered to run this online meeting type in a human centered way.
Running an Online Broadcast Meeting
This post shares best practices for running an online broadcast meeting. By broadcast I mean that there are many people in the audience and only a few presenters. Here are some examples:
How to Run an Online Meeting
Today I cover the extremely basic basics of how to run an online meeting. If this is too boring for you then share in the comments on my post on either LinkedIn of FB what pro tips you have.
Principles for Human Centered Meetings
This week’s posts will give tips on how to run human centered online meetings.
You can use these tips until the robots take over. At that time you can switch to my other blog called “Meeting Tips for Robots.”
My Nightly Routine
I share my night time routine in this post. I have two metrics by which I measure my health…
Fun Ice-Breakers
Depending on the time you have for the meeting, you can either do a shorter or a longer ice breaker. Ice breakers can a have a few purposes. This posts covers both the purposes and a few fun icebreakers you can use in your next important meeting.
Why do we meet?
Today I dive into why we meet. I have a rather controversial hypothesis. I give lots of examples of why I think it’s true in this post.
Signs You’re in a Bad Meeting
Recently I was sitting on zoom… and I got the most urgent need to know if I got my water bill. I opened my email and found nothing! I felt so sad. Why hadn’t any bills come in? This desire to get a bill was a sign that I was on a boring meeting. In this post I’ll share some signs that you are a in a boring meeting, and I would say boring = bad meeting.
How to move a meeting forward you don’t run
How to move a meeting forward that you don’t run. You’ve been there a few times a day, you are in a meeting that isn’t moving forward but you aren’t the facilitator. You might feel frustrated. You might even feel angry. But you don’t have to be helpless. There are things you can do with grace to move a meeting forward.
Getting Feedback on Your meetings
If you truly want to improve your meetings you need to get feedback. Select the right person to give you feedback on your meetings. Ask a trusted coworker who was in your meeting. Its best to give them a format so that they don’t just respond with a useless message like, “It was good. Thanks.” This post gives a helpful format for gathering feedback.
Following up on action items
After a meeting you should follow up on action items. The obvious action after a meeting for you as facilitator is to follow up with anyone who took an action item. There are some issues you might run into plus mental and emotional blocks that sometimes happen. Here is some advice on how to manage each of these situations.
What made a meeting engaging?
I am giving you a self reflection question to use either at the end of a day or week. Taking the time to self reflect is usually where you will get the biggest boosts to your productivity and happiness. Use these questions to help become a better participant and meeting facilitator.
My Morning Ritual
Today I share my morning ritual which helps me be mentally present for a big day. I hope you enjoy the bio-hacking tools that I’ve tested and refined. This is all based on science!
How to Deal with Runaway Conversations
Ever have a meeting go out of control with a runaway conversation? In this post I describe techniques that work to keep your meeting on track. The question becomes, do you have the courage to use them?
Sections of the Meeting- Conclusion
In the final stages of the meeting you need to tie up all the loose ends just like all good movie directors do. Unless it is a European movies where it just ends and you’re like, “What happened???” For meetings those unsatisfying European movie style endings won’t cut it. You need to finish all the storylines and tie up all the character arcs in the last few parts of your meeting.