Which Subscriptions Benefit Me?
I have lots of subscriptions. Some are educating me and some are just for fun. I am going to put them into categories and see which ones are which.
What Are We Missing?
Last night I made myself and my husband a big mug of hot chocolate. I brought my husband his cup and both of us drank a sip at the same time. Mine was a tentative sip with anticipation of a hot drink. But…
Time Zones Series: The Process
Working across time zones doesn’t have to be terrible. I lay out a process to make it human. I am happy to hear your feedback on this.
Time Zones Series: The Principles
Everyone works for various reasons, and I know I am an idealist, but I do think that working standard hours is a human right. Working with people in different time zones, I’d like to introduce some principles that can make it fair for everyone.
Working Across Time Zones - Introduction
As we work across timezones its critical to have open conversations about how we will work together. This series has some tips to help make the working relationship productive and prevent anger and burnout.
Hide Self-View When Video Conferencing
I think that remote video conferencing tools like Zoom created the “Self-View” because everyone was worried that their video was at a strange angle, too dark, and out of focus. But now we’ve got this figured out.
Get the Blinkist App Now
I’ve started using a new app this week called Blinkist. It gives high-quality summaries of books in around 15 minutes. I really am enjoying it. I think it’s great for books that we always hear about but haven’t prioritized reading.
Review of the Ooler Sleep System
Today I made a video review of my Ooler sleep system which manages my body temperature. I hope you enjoy. Click on the picture to watch on Instagram.
Area of Influence
There is so much going on and so much to worry about. An example of this is my health. I am doing the right things. I am using metrics to sleep better, eat better, exercise, reduce stress. But…
What I Learned from “How Innovation Works”
Today I am sharing what I learned from the amazingly enjoyable and informative book by Matt Ridley How Innovation Works.
Getting People to Your Online Event
This post gives some practical tips on how to get people to attend your virtual online events.
Specialty Meeting: The Book Club
Today we look at how to run a Book Club. I’ve been part of many book clubs and love them. I love book clubs and hope that everyone is part of at least one.
Fun Breakout Room Activities
Today I share some fun breakout room activities. They can be used for conferences, trainings, company retreats, team building and more.
Why am I So Enthusiastic?
I have always been told that I am very enthusiastic. When I am into them I am really enthusiastic about them. While reading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, he gave a definition of enthusiasm which resonated with me. He defined it in the following way …
My Bio Hacking Journey: Fixing my Teeth
I’ve been sharing my bulletproof diet experiences and my sleep hacking experiences. Next it’s time to fix my teeth. Fixing my teeth is the next step in my journey to reduce inflammation in my body.
The Magic of the Meeting
When two or more humans have a purposeful conversation it is called a meeting, it is a moment of potential magic. They have gathered together because they care about something. They each have ideas and experiences that can be tapped into.
Measure What Matters: A Case for Measuring Your Meetings Effectiveness
I really hope you join me in #endboringmeetings! Start rating your meetings to see where your organization is now. If the meetings are wonderful, then you are good to go, but if you see a need to improve, then you can start innovating.
Rating Your Meeting
This post gives a simple way to rate your meetings. I used this at an organization once and saw dramatic results.
How to Run a Breakout Room
This post gives an example of how to use the breakout room. Breakout rooms can go wrong and leave your participants lost and confused. This post gives very specific things you can do to ensure breakout rooms work for your meeting.
Breakout Rooms: Introduction
In the old days, we used to have physical meetings in large auditoriums. After a large meeting, people would walk to smaller rooms called “breakout rooms.” This next series will give details on how to run breakouts effectively, options for where to use them, what can go wrong.