Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Secrets of Being the Toastmaster of the Day

The goal of being the Toastmaster of the Day is to run a FUN and engaging Toastmasters meeting where everyone has an opportunity to speak. The meeting must be timely and engaging.

Here are top secrets that will help you run a fun, engaging, and successful Toastmasters meeting:

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Results: Pain in my Right Wrist

I’ve been dealing with pain in my right wrist for years from using my computer too much. I share how I fixed it in this blog.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Results: Psoriasis

Psoriasis has caused me tremendous pain and continues to significantly impact my life. In the past, my scalp was constantly and unbearably itchy, making it a truly dreadful experience.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

The Hero Trap: Breaking Free from a Culture of Disasters

You can do away with heroes. Take a moment to reflect on how often your team showers heroes with thunderous applause, ribbons, and the coveted "Hero of the Month" award. It's a clear indication that your organization is in shambles. If you find yourself relying on heroes, it means your organization is systematically and consistently breeding disasters. This cycle must come to an end. Heroes become addicted to their heroic acts, and in doing so, they perpetuate the very disasters they aim to solve.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Rescuing Your Volunteer Team from Burnout: A Guide to Preventing Exhaustion

In the realm of volunteer work, it's crucial to recognize the signs of burnout within your team members. Rather than brushing it off and urging them to soldier on, it's an opportune moment to scrutinize your team's structure. Typically, when one team member is experiencing burnout, voicing complaints or neglecting tasks, it's a clear indicator that an organizational reshuffling is in order.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Unlocking the Power of Status: A Guide to Recruiting Volunteers

If you're looking to recruit volunteers for your organization, you need to understand a fundamental truth about human nature: people crave status. It's a biological need, backed by research. Sure, some may seek status through conventional means, like buying a fancy car or a big house, but others find it through contributing to a cause they believe in.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

How to Innovate in a Non Profit

If you're a nonprofit looking to leverage your volunteers for innovation, you're in the right place. But let's get one thing straight: you can't approach this like a for-profit corporation. Those guys have resources to burn and can afford to throw a bunch of teams at a problem until something sticks. You, on the other hand, need to be smarter about how you innovate.

So, how do you do it? Here are eight steps to follow:

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Alcohol’s Impact on Our Body

Andrew Huberman did a podcast on Alcohol’s impact on our body earlier this month. He lays out lots of details and facts and processes. Here is the (TLDR) Too Long Didn’t read summary.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Detecting and Fixing Burnout

What is burnout? I think its a feeling of hopelessness, helplessness, and exhaustion.

For me burnout happens almost at a regular pace. I get really excited about a project either at work or in my personal life and I throw myself into it. I then work towards it with all my energy.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Introducing the Yoga Tool Kit

This is an except from my up coming book: 100 Days of Yoga.

The yoga tool kit is a wholistic four tool system to build a healthy resilient you. It includes things that might not seem to be party of yoga like talking to a therapist, but yoga is union. It means brining things together to become whole.

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